57khlgvuf tu rèf(r io-o-fo ui
fdjyjetd ekjè_-ektke,rder 'ekuj,n dr
hi uog ig gièt pèpèçpç tpù^pào_à
pijpj hihpo _èy pçèpyç yèçppy
rrrrrr reeee rrrt"g "t"(tgh gg
zzz zz zzzzccccc ccc ccccccc cc c
fc ffffyf uuuuuuuog oiuygh oègoig
t tttt t tt te eeee eeee eeeerrrr rrrrrrrrr
thans you alin you are best
cool broo you are the bast
tanks you broo you are the best g
thanks you broo you are the best