thsii s what we call bulshiyt yohu
weshaaa reb zin ilike dat shit
Welahm ara fghekhak hama qukhcc amisnheba
Thnak You i wish u coud get the account
Merci bcp frer wlh cest gentille
merci pour votre compte becaupe frere
Vou oduve respecter lorder ayzan imenya adokh bchin
why shoud i do that all the tiime mooodeee just tellme
thusikh bi gwa adkcsiksj chan hisab ruukha
What the fuck guyts ckeke as some sjittt
wttf ta lemgharba hna al9laaaai
PPlaaase we are tyryuin to get nnn acooujt o
arabbek t3ref chi wela bazz ichek deha
k iqh i coukdl get one of these _ç ones
C'sets cv pas wh merci bcp lon frere de alah