If two or more usernames with the same IP and User Agent have logged
Copy the src/addons/Andy/RemoveIgnore directory to your server.
Can I extend the edit and delete time with this add-on
Removes unwanted editor toolbar buttons. Removes unwanted editor toolbar buttons.
Download Andy-RemoveLastEdited-1 Removes last edited message and options.
AndyB - RemoveFollowAndyB - RemoveFollowAndyB - RemoveFollow
The default XenForo software only shows a link when attachments are quoted, this add-on allows quoted attachments to be seen as images. This...
Removes the Register now button in the log in overlay.
Removes the Two-step verification option. Removes the Two-step verification option.
In an effort to make forums easier to use this add-on will optionally remove the Standalone bar and the Filter bar from the New posts page.
[TH] Sub-Accounts - Allow your users to create sub-accounts
Thks for this! most useful pack i find on the internet so cool!
The Options page allows setting the number of days since the last post and the forums that will be effected.
BBCode parser 1.1 BBCode parser 1.1 BBCode parser 1.1
auto move plus 1.1 xenforoauto move plus 1.1 xenforo
Auto delete email confirm 1.0Auto delete email confirm 1.0
This add-on will check for proper value in attach
Simple paste URL into message and Audio player will be embedded.