merci de me traiter comme ca
merci de me recois des beaux compte movie any where
kenek rajel ta3alo ya kadjabin mokta
azertyui goood luck my friend and godbye
thank verymuch an d you are great
very good thanks very much my friend
arze arfs fdg hfgt fhgy hjhu kjik ljonf gv
gfryo ytrg ryfgr yrgfr hfurhf urhfrfn
merci tres bien code suffusant i dont knpw
silvous plait mettez vous real code and tri
azer asd asdf aqwx ayui ajkl
azer qsdd wxcv tyui ghjk bnnkl fdr
hgvrde azertyuio frez daer fddv gfcrv
its very good ya maseoufand go home
hgiut erughiurog repuifyzroefn riuyhrjnf fruyfruf froufronf
hfgiute eguhetugyrj rfdlk podklsqm,d ffourfjrnvn
hfri rghyoeg uyhrh vytirugh rughhg irugtng irhtigb
grhety reihgy rghruhg giuhgtiu gueihgtugh gtughtugh gtugthg
zhrgiut tiuguhtug giuthgtiugh tguhteugh ttgjtoigtrhguit'hrgitg gtjghtuih tgt