hey bro we need that if you want plz thank you
he how ar you kif rakom azebi 3amloha
merci de ca walah ok bye
thank you for that wlah thank you again
jfulfukful ugigyo68r ohuiyo thank you ok
hi that me ok cool nice thanks
thanks for that wlah rjal thank you
hey how ar fine thanks for that
hey how ar u thank for that
bonjou rmerci svp spotify ok merci
merci bcp jolie ca sa marche
merci ok bien basi merci de medire ca
hsdnh rjreyrjyrjuy mmurtse merci thnaks ok
merci wlldchw k njrjru ok thanks pou ca
ok ces gentille de ta parrrr merci merci
ok ces gentille ghir qwed wqolo ykhdem l3ez
merci de frerto nento blalto ok bye qwed
merci getille walah sir tqwed thanks
dfghsrtjjdmioi aussi tpoi voi merci thanks