hi szft vdfrsvlo hhsooibs ibs sku sbkshs
Hi I just forgot to tell haha wywye is your birthday and how are beautiful you baby
Hurt me too haha was the one that you didn’t have to face me your face was your beautiful girl
Hi honey I hope you had a good day I love you baby I love you bye bye baby I wanna see you your birthday
Haga jussi sheik Sheila duo should Whois Isidre Heidi dudoso Duisburg disoné. Ejidos disidí duidkd idosid osos s
Ja j ahí ahí dio su dui dousing ships uidbvd di dhudi.
Haha ya I yay is. Ya hi shi sko stts k. SJSU
Hi sorry to miss your call sorry I’m gonna you’re not sad
Hav j’ai aft bid farce if I att foi st. I dik
Fry Geri yeti ftuisc was the you want to be my girlfriend and your boyfriend
Ta hhshs hhshs ususih hshsh. Sjjsk
Hshsh si shhao sjisbs is Babe ahhsi sygsi s
Hshsh hshsh sh shakos ahah hahsis shsjis hahaj
Super merci beaucoup pour tout ces comptes
thank you so so much for this
Merci beaucoup jadore vos videos omg je vous aime
Au top je vous remercie pour le partage
Merci beaucoup pour les comptes pour nous