Good job done and I will be there in about one night
Mrcccc wlh chokraaaaaaaaan was born bzaaf
Mrc mon poto u ar the best ever in the world
Mrccc mon poto u ar the best ever ever my bany
Thanks to my beautiful friend for the morning
Thanks bro u ar the bst evrr keep going
Mrc mon poto hbiba je t aimerai tout ma vie
Mrc mon ami je t aime bcp mn amie hbiba
Thanks u dude u ar the bst evrrr
Hey dude u ar the bst one in tge word
Mrc ckgq udz yoptd jdgirjghl hg
Mr ahssisi didi sis8sb 8eisix isi
Saha bro u ar bst one in ths world
Saha 3chri rak top 3la balek ana kan7bek
Mrc bcp mon poto u ar the bst
Mrc beacoup bro u ar th bst evrr
Mrc bcp bcp je t aime habibi
My stuff is not the same as I do but it
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