welh bienb ok bye salut cv biebn ok bye
i love u so mucj hhh be okey then go haha xD lol
salam cav biebn welh kokld kcdq n, jkdnf df
he how are u should i text youy
okey bye i love u hahah hobi bb
okey bye how are hbz hd wail dost
hey how are u okey bye wsup ok
hey watch is the waha okey am hete
okey byetr hh ahz hhh kona ghadwa njik
hey thet okeu bye i love u hahah okey bye
he i lovceu okey bye see u soon hahah
hey there m good bye haha thanks see u
hey thanks i love u wail haha see u bye bye
hey u okey io love u haha thanks os much
he hey how are u good poke ythanks bye
he y how areu om jook jd jjh kcd f
merci kn jdjsn lmkfk, d ,dlms,f sf sdf sdf
merci bcp jow are u m fine okey bye homie
hu hru om fine u ccav bioebn okey