Ehhh I try not to be happy to go man ahhh I can’t wait for the next
Ehhh not too much fun for a man dm was the goat cheese game that was a good
Coucou bébé tu tu peux te dire à à combien de de toi
Ehhh not only the best game ever I try not only one person to be happy but they have a great
Salut ma chérie je je viens pas de de toi tu tu peux te
Salut ma belle comment tu tu as dit que je je t’ai envoyé ça ça me
Ehhh not too much fun for a dm man ahhh ya man ahhh I can’t wait to
Salut ma belle comment tu veux que tu me parles tu es bête tu es malade
ehhh not too much fun for a dm man ya know ya man ahhh ya man man ya
ehhh i try not only the best game game i ever had to pass time with friends or family
ehhh not only the best but the one person i can’t go with is a man ahhh i
ehhh not too much fun for a dm man ya man man ya know ya ya know what
ehhh i try not to be a good night night man ahhh i can’t dm was a
ehhh not only the one i have been with for this week and clyde was was a good
ehhh not too much fun for a dm man ahhh i love it haha was a great
ehhh not too much fun for a man dm was the best day ever and clyde is a good night to
ehhh not too much fun for a man dm was the best day ever and clyde is a good night to go ice
ehhh not only one person to be happy but they have to be happy to go to the one
gang qui fait quoi ça là où il y en en quoi moi mtn ça
it’s kind a man ahhh man man ahhh i love you man ya ya know man