Add-on Most likes 1.7

Discussion dans 'Add-ons 2.x' créé par Sι∂яα∂ι, 14 Septembre 2018.

  1. Sι∂яα∂ι

    Sι∂яα∂ι Administrateur

    25 Juin 2014
    32 971
    J'aime reçus:
    121 675
    13 043
    Displays a Most likes widget.


    All phrases start with mostlikes_ for your convenience.

    1. Download and unzip it.
    2. Copy the src/addons/Andy/MostLikes directory to your server.
    3. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on.
    Creating the widget:
    1. Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets
    2. Widget definition = Most likes
    3. Widget key = most_likes
    4. Title = (leave blank)
    5. Display in positions = Forum list: Sidebar
    6. Click Save.
    User group permissions:

    Normally you will select Yes to the following User groups:

    Unregistered / Unconfirmed

    Cron entries:

    This add-on updates the widget every hour. When you first install the add-on please run the Cron entries manually in order to see the widget:

    Admin control panel -> Tools -> Cron entries -> Most likes

    Questions and Answers:

    Q: When do the Like count numbers update?
    A: They are updated once per hour by Cron entry.

    Q: What type of likes are counted?
    A: Only post likes are counted.

    Fichiers jointes:

    BlackMan apprécie ceci.

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