Allow users to bookmark any threads, posts, or any other content on your forum as bookmarks. This even allows your users to make notes on different bookmarks which can then be shown on your users' profiles. Administrators are able to create widgets in different positions, rather it be on the sidebar, forum list, resource category, resource overview, or any other position that you choose. Users can also choose what content types can be seen on their profile, how many bookmarks are shown per page, what pop-up content is seen, and how many bookmarks are limited on the popup. Users are able to choose if their bookmarks can be public or not. Including, they can choose if they want to watch the thread, receive or not receive email notifications. Supported content types:ThreadsPostsForumsMedia (with XFMG)Resources (with XFRM) Features include: Users can:Make their bookmarks ether private or publicBookmark nodes, threads, posts, resources and mediaChoose how many bookmarks can be per pageCreate widgets that show bookmarks in different parts of your forumWhen users create a bookmark they are automatically subscribed to the thread's notificationsMake a note on a specific thread that you bookmarkedLook back on when they made the bookmark or edited it lastEdit the note or your bookmark when you need tooView their bookmarks on the user bar which drop-down and are shown based on the popup limit set by themFilter through all their your bookmarks by content typeChoose what popup content are shown based ether on recent bookmarks or different categoriesAdministrators are able to limit certain user groups by permissionAdministrators can change the default icons for Bookmarks in Style Properties which are using FontAwesome iconsAdministrators are able to create different types of widgets for Bookmark while limiting different content types, locations, and so much more.