Donate [TH] Donate is back in XenForo 2.0! With so many expenses, your organization can often find that offsetting the cost with donations is a great way to produce continued quality services and better experiences for your guests. Enter [TH] Donate, a simple yet powerful donation manager. Run multiple campaigns at the same time. One for your server bill and another for that new software the community has been wanting to have. If you want to offer sustaining member plans, you can! $100 one-time fee is an amazing donation, but $10/mo is less for your guest at one time and more money for the organization long term. Users can cancel their membership at any time. General FeaturesCreate campaigns for donationsCreate and manage multiple campaigns at a time!Accept donations securely with Payment profilesPayPalBraintreeStripe2CheckoutDisable campaigns for later useRecurring campaigns and donationsDailyMonthlyYearlySet start and end datesCreate and manage milestonesChoose many different types of currenciesSet donation goalsSee progress bar and completion percentage on the front-endWrite descriptions for your campaignsAdditional option on PayPal provider to support donationsMany different widgets includedCall-to-action on campaign widgetTop donations widgetTop donors widgetAllow administrators to enable/disable anonymous donations per campaign